Mission: To secure resources and deliver housing and infrastructure services that meets the health and safety needs of WMFN members, WMFN administration, and the Nation as a whole.
Mission: To support WMFN membership in lifelong learning.
Mission: To ensure WMFN’s finances are well-managed.
Mission: To support WMFN members’ physical, mental, cultural, social and spiritual well-being.
Mission: To maintain the operation of WMFN technology & information systems, and to assist all other WMFN departments & staff with the technological aspects of their missions & visions.
Mission: As keepers of the land (askiwi pimwatsiwin), we ensure that our inherent aboriginal and treaty rights are understood, honoured, protected, and exercised in accordance with our traditions and practices.
West Moberly First Nations is a unified and self-sustaining community that is in control of our own future, uniting our community in building for the future.