Department /


Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 2:30pm, closed every other Friday
Saturday – Sunday: Closed


To support WMFN membership in lifelong learning.

Core Services & Responsibilities

  • Manage Dakii Yadze Centre daycare facility, supervisor, and staff (pre-school early learning support).
  • Provide education support for WMFN grade-school students.
  • Negotiate, update, and oversee WMFN Council approved agreements with School District 59, such as:
    • Local Education Enhancement Agreement
    • Local Education Agreement
    • Local Education Transportation Agreement (school bus transportation)
  • Administer local education projects that are initiated and funded by WMFN industry partners at their discretion, such as:
    • Winter Warmers Program (winter boots. for on-reserve students grades K to 6).
    • Christmas Gifts for Students Program.
    • Annual Stay in School Awards Program (K-4 to 12) students.
  • Administer the WMFN Post-Secondary Student Support Program.
  • Administer the WMFN Employment, Trades and Career Training Program:
    • Short-Term Industry Programs.
    • Safety Training Programs.
  • Administer proposal-based education programs that have been approved by sponsoring agencies and WMFN Council, such as:
    • Indigenous Skills Training Development Program
    • Driver Education Programs
    • Local Summer Student Employment Program
  • Effective monitoring of the academic progress of WMFN grade school and post-secondary students where possible within legal and practical limitations.
  • Periodically review, update, or revise Education Department policies have been reviewed and updated and submitted to Council where needed
  • Periodically update and distribute lists of available post-secondary scholarships, bursaries and awards and distribute these to WMFN post-secondary sponsorship applicants.
  • Calculate the total budget required for all eligible applicants to the Indigenous Services Canada funded “Post-Secondary Student Support Program” (PSSSP)for the current fiscal year. Then, referencing that data, prepare and submit a budget application to ISC by their application deadline.
  • Calculate the total budget required for all eligible applicants to the “Employment, Trades and Career Training Program” (ETCT) and ensure that the total of all approved sponsorships does not exceed that program’s annual budget as approved by WMFN Council. If additional sponsorship funding is required, available supplemental funding sources may be applied.
  • Review and evaluate submitted applications to determine the sponsorship eligibility of the applicants in accordance with applicable WMFN post-secondary student support program policies.
  • Notify all WMFN post-secondary sponsorship applicants of the evaluation outcomes of their sponsorship applications.
  • Reference, complete and forward the required Confirmation of Third-Party Sponsorship documents to the appropriate post-secondary program providers on behalf of each approved sponsorship applicant and verify that they have been received.
  • Periodically monitor compliance of WMFN sponsored post-secondary students to their sponsored student obligations as specified by their applicable post-secondary student support program policy.
  • Each month, prepare and submit to the WMFN Finance Department a list of authorized monthly living allowance direct deposits to be made on behalf of sponsored post-secondary students.
  • Authorize and forward to the WMFN Finance Department all invoices and cheque requests associated with currently sponsored post-secondary students’ eligible expenditures.
  • Prepare a report of all the Post-Secondary Student Support Program expenditures made on behalf of students sponsored by that program during the previous fiscal year and submit it to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) by their submission deadline in accordance with their reporting requirements.
  • Process all applications to the “West Moberly First Nations Completion Awards Program” received from graduates of a WMFN sponsored education program in accordance with the “WMFN Education Policy”.
  • Review and evaluate all sponsorship applications received from members for “Short-Term Training Programs” and “Safety Training Courses” in accordance with the requirements of the “Employment, Trades, and Career Training Program” (ETCT) policy. Then, confirm program schedules with the successful sponsorship applicants and complete “Confirmation of Third-Party Sponsorship” documents on their behalf and forward them with a purchase order to the appropriate program providers.

Dakii Yadze Child Care Centre

The Dakii Yadze Centre is a licensed facility offering quality childcare with holistic programming, play based learning, and qualified staff, in order to support the children and families we serve.

Our Programs

K-12 Consent to Release Form for 2022-2023

Please see the “Instructions” link below for important information about the annual K-12 Student Information & Consent Form.  It includes details on the purpose of the form details about it’s usage.

Federally Supported Post-Secondary Sponsorship

WMFN members who plan to apply
for federally sponsored post-secondary
funding should request a POST-SECONDARY STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM (PSSSP) APPLICATION FORM from the WMFN Education Department.

Scholarships & Student Opportunities

Welcome to the Scholarships & Student Opportunities page! This resource is dedicated to helping West Moberly First Nations students access financial support for their education. Whether you’re pursuing post-secondary studies, trades training, or other educational programs, there are scholarships, bursaries, and funding opportunities available to assist you on your journey.

Here, you’ll find information on:

  • Scholarships and bursaries specifically for Indigenous students
  • Government and private-sector funding options
  • Deadlines and application requirements

Helpful tips for applying

We encourage all students to explore these opportunities and reach out if you need guidance or support. Investing in your education is investing in your future!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Education Department Leads

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Alex Canning

Education Manager

Charlene Brown

Early Childhood Educator

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Bonnie Willson

Dakii Yadze Centre Supervisor

Nikita Desjarlais

Early Childhood Educator

Education Department News