The Dakii Yadze Centre operates a Licensed Multi Age Child Care Program Monday to Friday in order to meet the needs of working parents, post secondary parents, and those in the community needing child care on a full time, part time, and drop in basis. This program focuses on holistic child development when planning and implementing activities, with special attention towards a cultural component in Aboriginal traditions such as storytelling, language, crafts, cooking, environmental and art activities. Our staff are ECE qualified and trained; they are skilled at planning daily activities that are age appropriate and developmentally appropriate for the wide variety of children attending our program.
Our philosophy is to support healthy child development in all domains including physical, social, emotional, intellectual, language, spiritual, and cultural. We provide a safe, stable and stimulating environment that offers opportunities for cooperation, interaction, and independence through play-based learning. This environment encourages self-discovery, curiosity, and hands-on experiences that build a sense of harmony, patience, respect, and pride.
Our licensed quality care facility meets the needs of all children and families, providing an inclusive environment that recognizes each child as an individual with unique gifts. Our programs consider age and developmental appropriateness based on individual needs. Common routines are flexible, yet balanced and predictable.
Our commitment to families includes supporting parents and their diverse needs to the best of our ability. Our ‘open door’ policy allows for interaction with parents, families, and Elders. With support from the resources and people in our surrounding communities, we encourage spiritual and cultural learning opportunities.
Our philosophy maintains that qualified staff is integral to our programs as role models for healthy lifestyles, patience, respect, and harmony. We encourage ongoing professional development, positive staff morale, interdependence and teamwork. Professional staff is essential to the success of all programming, including advocating for the children and families we serve.
The Dakii Yadze Centre is a licensed facility offering quality childcare with holistic programming, play based learning, and qualified staff, in order to support the children and families we serve.
Our Vision is to support parents, families, and children to reach their full potential by providing consistent, reliable, sustainable services that meet their diverse needs.
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We strive to respond within 3 business days.
West Moberly First Nations is a unified and self-sustaining community that is in control of our own future, uniting our community in building for the future.