WMFN has one reserve at the west end of Moberly Lake. The reserve is located roughly halfway between Hudson’s Hope and Chetwynd, BC about 90 km southwest of Fort St. John.
The West Moberly First Nations Cultural Department endeavours to revitalize and restore the History, Traditions, Language, Culture and Heritage of the Dunne-za and Cree people of this area.
It is the goal of the Cultural Department to respect and promote cultural and traditional practices, encourage and utilize the teachings as part of the healing and cultural renewal process for our people today and in the future. It is also the goal to increase awareness of WMFN history, traditions, language, culture and First Nations heritage in general.
The WMFN Cultural Department continues to work with Elders and Knowledgeable people from WMFN and surrounding area to compile language, history, stories, cultural teachings, and traditional skills to ensure the continued survival of the oral knowledge of the Dunne-Za and Cree peoples. The Culture Department undertakes to work with all other departments and outside agencies in a holistic manner in order to benefit the community and membership as a whole. All projects, programs and activities are promoted to provide positive interaction between participants.
The WMFN Cultural Department continues to collect and record past as well as a “living” history, traditions, culture and language of the WMFN and area. We strives to ensure that the history and stories will endure and be maintained, and WMFN’s unique Cultural, Traditional, and Historical knowledge will live on.
The WMFN Cultural Department strives to utilize a holistic approach to increase awareness and promote a very wonderful, exciting and beautiful heritage that is rich with tradition and culture.
Our stories celebrate our heritage and our spirit and identity as Dunne-za and Cree people. These stories preserve and teach our Indigenous ways and traditional knowledge for the future generations of West Moberly First Nation.
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WMFN has a custom governance system (1999) with a Chief and four Councillors that recognizes four distinct family groups: Brown, Desjarlais, Dokkie, and Miller.
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West Moberly First Nations is a unified and self-sustaining community that is in control of our own future, uniting our community in building for the future.